Mathematics and related books for sale

May 17, 2024 Issue TOC icon
May 2024 (Vol. 1, No. 7)


Many hundreds of books from all areas of pure and applied mathematics, as well as statistics, computer science, and mathematical physics, are for sale at

This is a fundraiser, and prices are moderate. All proceeds go, in equal parts, to the CMS and to a scholarship fund in my own department.

Most of the books are high-quality used research monographs and upper-level textbooks, and range in publication date from the late 1800s to the 2020s. Several dozen books in Chinese and some DVDs are also listed. Most of the material was donated by colleagues, retirees, alumni, and students; others are review copies or library discards.

More details on the website mentioned above.

Thank you for your interest.

Karl Dilcher

Department of Mathematics & Statistics

Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS

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