On-line Panel for International Women in Mathematics Day

We will be hosting an on-line event for International Women in Mathematics Day. This is a joyful opportunity for the mathematical community to celebrate women in mathematics. See https://may12.womeninmaths.orgfor more information about International Women in Mathematics Day.
Our event will have four panelists who will talk about their careers, with a focus on how to support each other and the positive points in their journey.
The panelists are:
- Leah Keshet, UBC
- Lucy Campbell, Carleton University
- Habiba Kidiri, Univeristy of Lethbridge
- Valérie Poulin, Tutte Institute
We will hold our event on Friday, May 10, 2024, times across the country are:
BC – 10am | Sask/Alberta – 11am | Manitoba – noon | Ontario/Québec – 1pm | Maritimes – 2pm | Newfoundland – 2:30
We will also do an on-line craft together after the panel, if you want to stay and socialize!
Registration link: https://uregina-ca.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJEkcOyhqjMuGNM5RfNqZ3EkwcAp5hEpJxeK
Karen Meagher, Chair of the CMS Women in Math Committee